How To Create A Fundraising Trailer For Your Documentary (that actually WINS funding!)

How To Create A Documentary Fundraising Trailer

One of the most effective ways to win financial support for your documentary is putting together a fantastic trailer.

This is probably THE #1 item in your fundraising arsenal.

Many filmmakers are raising thousands of dollars in funding through crowdfunding sites like KickStarter, IndieGogo and Seed&Spark.

The most successful campaigns use VIDEO to pitch their projects.

Here are a few key tips for how to create an effective (and irresistible!) fundraising video pitch that will compel people to donate.


Your Fundraising Trailer (DO these 5 things):

  • Put your pitch for funding up front. Statistics show that most people don't watch videos all the way to the end, so grab their attention right at the start.

  • Pose the key questions you will answer in your documentary. (But don't answer the questions!) The idea is that you're asking people for funding so that you can go out and discover the answers as part of the documentary making process. 

  • Establish the tone and style of your documentary. Will it be cinematic with gorgeous wide pan shots or rough & dirty hand held footage in a war zone? Quirky? Dramatic?

  • Put yourself on camera. Don't be afraid to show your personality and introduce yourself and your crew in the video. People want to know who they're giving their money to!

  • Leave the audience wanting more. Don't bring the story to a conclusion. Leave the audience curious and begging for more so that they'll want to donate to see the film completed! This is not a mini-version of your doc. It's a "teaser."

Quickly Create A Trailer Using AI:

Create a CONCEPT TRAILER for your documentary in 5-minutes or less (for free!) with InVideo. It will write the script and edit the video FOR YOU. 🤯

WATCH: Fundraising Trailer Examples

Documentary Fundraising Trailer:
"Balloon Warriors"

See this documentary fundraising trailer + campaign on Seed&Spark

Documentary Fundraising Trailer:
"Human Kindness"

View this documentary fundraising trailer + campaign on IndieGoGo

Documentary Fundraising Trailer:
"Xena: No Apologies"

View this documentary fundraising trailer + campaign on IndieGoGo

Documentary Fundraising Trailer:
"The Charities"

View this documentary fundraising trailer + campaign on Seed&Spark

Documentary Fundraising Trailer:
"Fuzzy Picture (How Does A Sex Scene Get Made?)"

See this documentary fundraising trailer + campaign on Seed&Spark

Tip! Create Various Versions of Your Trailer

Keep in mind that you may need various versions of your trailer for different purposes. 

Trailer #1: A short 1-3 minute version for your website (make sure to put it right next to a donation button!).

Trailer #2: A 5-10 minute crowdfunding trailer with YOU on camera pitching your project. 

Trailer #3: A 15-minute sample reel of various scenes and raw footage to show to potential grant funders. (This is for the BIG money)

Recommended Resources: Learn How To Make A Documentary Fundraising Trailer

Trailer Mechanics: How to Make your Documentary Fundraising Demo

Documentary Fundraising Courses, Tools, Templates

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