Is Life Too Short | Documentary Idea

by Travis Lee Monticue

Getting old is something we all have to experience. The only people that view this first hand are the elderly themselves. This documentary would be a great idea in getting the elderly's thoughts out into the world. By simply interviewing old people we can find out how they feel about life as it may be coming to an end for them. Not only would it be a walk down memory lane for the elderly, but the general population viewing this could learn to appreciate life more.

Comments for Is Life Too Short | Documentary Idea

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Jul 20, 2020
Is Life too short
by: Jcine

This seems like a wonderful idea. I'm storming to do my first documentary and thought this would be a beautiful idea. I wondered did the originator ever get this off the ground.

Oct 05, 2013
Like the subject
by: Mickey

Hi my name is Mickey and I am an independent filmmaker and I Love Documentaries.I came across your pitch I like it.. I think it has style and potential if done right.. I would be possibly interested on knowing more ..

Jan 22, 2012
My idea is along similar lines - please take a look
by: Anne

Life Stories of Dementia Sufferers Told With Their Own Photos | Documentary Idea

by Anne Forrest

I have compiled DVDs: combining clients' own photos, 2 dimensional memorabilia and their choice of music. Here is my documentary idea capture the life stories of dementia sufferers.

1) Visiting the client in their own home to discuss the stories they want told, scanning the memorabilia

2) Delivering the finished product and seeing their faces light up - even beholding miraculous improvements - "awakenings"

3) Will they have long term impact - improve memory loss, help carers by reminding the sufferer of normal activities, quickly informing professionals of the client's true character?

I have witnessed remarkable improvements utilising these Musical Life Stories and believe it would make good, informative TV with an upbeat theme!

I am sure the public will be interested in this new and positive "take" on dementia sufferers, their carers and the people who work with them.

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