What Will Happen To Us | Documentary Idea

by Mary Lee Marshall
(Middletown. CT US)

My documentary idea is for a film showing the issues with the fact that people are out-living their plans for retirement. My mother-in-law is now 94, my mother is 85 and my father is 84. All have needed to move in with myself and my husband because their nest egg did not last. I am sure I am not alone in our country.

This situation makes me fear for our own time on this planet.

Our house looks like a mini convalescent home.. pills everywhere. A chair is installed to get them in and out of the house. Full time aid living in the house. We were just a couple alone getting ready for our golden years up until two years ago. Now I see the whole idea of golden years flying away. I have fear that my own health or my husbands will fail us before we are again free of the extra responsibility.

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Aug 21, 2011
You are on to something
by: Desktop Documentaries

This is a really interesting issue. I have friends in their 30's who haven't started saving for retirement. I wonder how our generation is going to make it now that we're living so much longer. Excellent documentary idea. Extremely important issue.

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