GIGS | Documentary Idea

by David Leighton

My documentary idea involves 30 days of freestyle employment working gigs from craigslist. Everything from the mundane labor gigs to the creative; doing makeup for a couple to get married in Salem, MA. They want to look like zombies. The nature of craigslist also has built in villans. Lots of ppl post ads but then refuse to pay, are drunk, belligerent, etc. 30 days of gigs and all that entails. It's a story of humor, everyday life, and inspiration to everyone that there is hope out there and it might just be the gig for you.

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Aug 25, 2011
24-Hours On Craigslist Documentary
by: Desktop Documentaries

Thanks David!
Have you seen the documentary "24 Hours On Craigslist"?

Craigslist definitely has its share of characters and stories!

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