Guitar Brothers Trio | Documentary Idea

by raimon obdulio
(curacao. neth. antilles)

Playing Classical Guitar

Playing Classical Guitar

It fascinates me to make my first documental film. I have a passion for the classical guitar music, and want to make my documental about that matter.

We are 3 brothers and the three play the classic guitar.

In the beginning around the year 1960 we started to take lessons at the US. school of music by correspondence, and also buying study methods in the local bookstores in downtown Willemstad Curacao and so on.

Then in the year 1961 I travelled to Holland where I set forth my music study, and also stayed in Spain a couple of years having different guitar teachers. One of my brothers had been given lots of recitals here on the island in music halls and local television station, and classes in different locations.
The other is also a member of a harmony orquestra playing the clarinet for over 20 years.

So I love to make a story of this but really this is the first time and I don't know where to start. I use to make some short clips using windows moviemaker, but that's all.

Hope to hear soon from U I remain
sincerely yrs,

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Jul 03, 2012
thanks again NEW
by: Raimon

Thank you very much! Finally I,v found what I have been looking for. I,ll take few days to go over everything and will get back in touch as soon possible. again thanks.

Jul 03, 2012
thanks! NEW
by: Raimon

very useful explanation. will make contact very soon.

Jul 02, 2012
great idea NEW
by: Desktop Documentaries

Thanks Raimon for your documentary idea. I really love the idea of a documentary about three brothers who play guitar together.

My first question is do you have a link to some of your recorded music? Also, do you have a photo of you and your brothers?

That's actually great you have used Movie Maker. That's a start! Click here for more ideas for video editing software.

My second question is where do you envision this documentary being shown? The web? A local television station? PBS? Or would this just be a family treasure?

If you see this film being for broadcast, here's what I recommend.

Use Movie Maker and combine some of your "best of" clips of you and your brothers playing guitar and also any footage that shows your personalities and how you interact together. Do you have a friend or family member who can interview the three of you together? If so, weave together pieces of that interview in between some music scenes. Try to keep the video less than 5 minutes. This is what's called your "trailer". You can use this to build interest and funding for your project.

If you would like to try and make the documentary yourself, read this article:

How To Make A Documentary

If you would like to get some help from a filmmaker, read this Q&A article with some tips on how to find someone who can help you.

How To Find Filmmakers To Help With Your Documentary

Another idea is to create a fundraising campaign to raise money so that you can hire a professional film crew.

I hope that gets you started.

By the way, I did a Google search for Curacao. Wow, you are lucky to live in such a gorgeous place. If you can find some funding, I'm happy to come personally with my crew and do a documentary about you and your brothers. :)

Good luck with your project.


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